Fascia Love Class — Strengthen & Stretching Class
"I feel so much better. The class is a great help. ” - Lisa
Learn a movement practice that focuses on resisted lengthening movements and yawning stretch to positively affect your neuro-myo-fascial tissue, aka your nerve-muscle-connective tissue. Fascia Love Class is a combination of stretching and strength training that feels a bit like yoga mixed with Pilates. Learn pnf stretching exercises that feel great. Bring an instinctual sense of resistance and activation into your yoga practice. Help gain strength, movement, and connection. This class can also be helpful for pain and chronic pain.
Feel empowered to positively affect your fascia health.
Fascia Love Stretching Class focuses on eccentric muscular contractions (when a muscle is lengthening while contracted) which may cause some Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). A warm bath with epsom salt can be helpful. DOMS is caused by novel, new ways of exercising, and it’s usually the worst after your first time!
What is fascia? Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, muscle in place. It also surrounds every muscle fiber.
In class we will us a chair for seated exercises, and a yoga mat, yoga blanket, and two yoga blocks for floor work.
Join class in real time on Mondays at 6:15-7:15pm EST on Zoom or get access to a class recording to do on your own time.
Virtual Class
Mondays 6:15-7:15pm est $20